Move Your Career, Income & Life Forward

You deserve a fulfilling career that's so much more than just pumping out designs for a (less-than-what-you-deserve) paycheck.

1:1 coaching

work 1:1 with grace

But after working for X many years you find yourself still sacrificing personal time to just be trapped in a hamster-wheel of passionless working to meet deadline after deadline.

Friend, you can be called into a creative career of fulfilling work, enhancing the workplace, loving what you do, and getting paid what you're actually worth. You just need the right guidance to get you there.

You started this career with a vision of doing something that is rooted in something you are passionate about
(and probably really good at).

Jump to the details

Isn't it time you finally put yourself first?

How It Works

After I approve your application, You’ll fill out an in-depth questionnaire prior to our session so that we can get clear on an agenda and make the most of our time. 
(Apply here)


I’ll spend a week crafting a custom agenda that details each part of your solution and internally developing any assets to maximize your success.

then THIS

We'll meet for 90 minutes where we'll workshop, streamline and finalize your custom plan with all the assets you’ll walk away with!


The problem isn't that your career dreams are "unrealistic." 

Early in my career I got bold and did things differently. It was scary at first but simultaneously thrilling.

What I discovered was that by not following what I thought was the way to do things, I experienced rapid growth, impact, and exciting opportunities that were unheard of by my peers.

That's when I learned that as designers, we are going about it all wrong, following a corporate framework that was not set up for creatives.

How YOU are meant to thrive in your passion and talent will not fit into the out-of-date, plug-and-play version of a corporate job meant for drones.

You can re-create for yourself a really successful design career through different strategies that actually put you and your colleagues first.

i know how it feels to be unsupported

work 1:1 with grace

Here's What You Need

More time for you, for your life.

You've been doing more of the same thing and it's been yielding the same results. You're ready to do things differently to see different results.

better Pay - Let's not be shy about this

You're likely being under-paid. And putting in more work and hours is not getting you any closer. You need to set yourself apart by consistently creating value.

freedom to do what you're great at

Going with the flow has stopped flowing you anywhere. You need to have clear direction with a strategic plan to move you where you want to go.

tell me more

Get straight to your career goals with my signature consulting offer. A 90 minute, strategy intensive session that sets you up for long-term success.
No frills, efficient & effective, straight-to-the-point support with immediately implementable strategy.

1 Time

2 ways to be coached

more info please

12 weeks of Tailored, Results-driven, Ongoing feedback & accountability.
Designed to align with your unique career objectives, keep you accountable, and transform your career in 3 months. 

3 Month

1 Time Intensive

No frills, efficient & effective, straight-to-the-point support with immediately implementable strategy.
A one-time strategy intensive session that sets you up for long-term success.

An intensive is right for you if:
  • You need clarity on certain situations and want tailored advice.
  • You want focused help in a specific area of your career.
  • You need someone to come up with a streamlined solution for your goals that will set you up for long-term success.
  • You're not looking for on-going support – you want an efficient, 1-2-3 plan that you can walk away with and implement on your own.

90-Minutes of Strategy-Intensive Curated Support.


You are an action taker looking for focused support to implement immediately.

Tailored to your unique career objectives based on an in-depth questionnaire you'll fill out, You’ll know exactly what’s coming, what questions to prepare, and have an opportunity to confirm you’ll be getting exactly what you need.

90 minute session | $297
with 2 weeks follow-up support | +$197

1:1 Intensive



what to expect


Half the work done for you. I’ll do the research, I’ll analyze the data and your current situation and create a custom plan made just for you. All you have to do is execute. 

Get clarity on your situation, goals and strategy and get ALL of those burning questions answered. Walk away with a detailed plan that you can implement on your own.

We'll meet for a focused, 90-minute strategy session where we'll workshop your career plan and I'll answer all your burning questions.

90 minute strategy-packed session

I'll streamline and deliver a custom plan based on our call with a succinct checklist of actions to implement.

a custom plan

You’ll have the opportunity to ask follow up questions, get feedback & continued guidance as you implement, and accountability to see your project through.

2 weeks of follow up TEXT support (optional)

let's do this

I’ll internally develop and deliver all the assets to help execute your custom plan. These assets would vary depending on each situation but could be templates, a custom calendar, analysis report, etc.


You’ll receive a recording of our 90 minute strategy call to reference and review at your own pace.


let's break it down

3 Month Mentoring

Designed to bring clarity to your unique career objectives, keep you accountable, and transform your career in 3 months. 

3 Month Mentoring is right for you if:
  • You have an idea of where you want to be in your career but don’t know what to do and how to get there. 
  • You have a lot on your plate and need someone to listen to you and hear between the lines, to identify your priorities and organize a solution for you.
  • You’re looking for guided direction, tailored to your priorities.
  • You need ongoing feedback as you implement to reach your unique career goals.
  • You want holistic support to help you take your career from surviving to thriving.

Curated, Results-Driven,
Ongoing Feedback & Accountability


You want ongoing feedback & support as you implement, and work best with accountability.

Before each session, You’ll know exactly what’s coming, what questions to prepare, and have an opportunity to confirm you’ll be getting exactly what you need.

One-time Payment | $2097
4 Monthly Payments | $597



4x agenda

We'll meet for an initial 90 minute strategy session. In this first call we’ll work on a calendar for our 3 months together, then we’ll jump right in and begin your first strategy session, tailored to your unique career objectives based on an in-depth questionnaire you'll fill out.

initial 90 minute strategy session

I'll develop a custom plan based on our initial call with a succinct checklist of actions to implement, along with week-by-week action items and goals.


I'll streamline and deliver a custom take-away plan based on where you’re at after our 3 months together. You’ll get a succinct checklist of actions to implement so you continue to move towards your goal(s) long after our final meeting. 

take away plan

i'm ready to apply

We'll meet for 3 scheduled 60 minutes. Each call will be unique to your current priorities and where you’re at in our overall plan (always adjusting and adapting as we progress along). Share your questions and objectives before each call and I’ll develop a focused plan that we’ll dive into during our session.


Accountability check-ins tailored to your accountability preference. Receive support, encouragement, gentle nudgings with the opportunity to express any victories and/or frustrations.

Weekly voice memo check-ins

You’ll have access to me via Slack so you can ask any questions that come up, get feedback & continued guidance as you implement, and accountability to see your project through.

Texting Support

You’ll receive a recording of each of our 4 calls to reference and review at your own pace, paired with detailed notes from each meeting. 


3 months designed to align with your unique career objectives.
Whether that’s landing a new position, earning a promotion, refining your communication skills, stepping into a leadership role, or overcoming specific career challenges. 

We’ll work together to holistically look at your career; Refining your personal brand, integrating a personalized strategy, and ensuring we tackle your identified priorities so you can move your career, income, and life forward.

Walk away having accomplished more for your career goals in 3 months than you likely have from 4 years in design school.

3 Month Mentoring

what to expect

let's break it down

Is This Right For You?


YOU feel like you're spinning your wheels & not going anywhere

YOu WANT TO BE MORE in control of your career & life

You're tired of being controlled by your job & missing out on life events

you're ready to do what it takes to put yourself first, above your job

Not every situation is the right fit for 1:1 coaching.

Fill out an application and I'll review it to make sure I am the right fit to support you.

After your application is approved, I'll reach out to you to regarding next steps.

Submit Your Application

APPLY here →

is that a yes?