
3 Steps for Making a Decision in the Fitting Room

February 20, 2018

Cut out buyer’s remorse & time spent in the fitting room. 3 steps for how to make better decisions in the fitting room, when shopping for clothes.

One of the most (and maybe only, if I’m being honest) fulfilling aspects of working a retail clothing store for me was working the fitting rooms. There, many-a-times have I come to the rescue of indecisive shoppers.

Most people have trouble deciding what to buy. Not necessarily from budget constraints but from identifying if an item looks good on them. Today, I am here to pass on this super-hero knowledge so you too can come to the aide of yourself or a friend the next time you find yourself in this indecisive place.

There are 3 main things to remember:


First, let me preface this by saying you should rock whatever the heck you want. Nobody has bound you to any certain style. If you are normally covered head-to-toe, finger to finger, in black latex, but find a strappy, flowy white sundress you really want, THEN GET IT. None of this “it’s not me.” You are what you choose to be.

That being said, certain cuts flatter our bodies more than others and sometimes it’s hard for us to see this on our own. We are all uniquely and beautifully created which also means there are certain styles we can pull-off better than others! Learn what flatters your body type and keep that in mind when you go shopping for clothes.

2. FIT

Sometimes you really like a style but it doesn’t quite fit. The thing is, you know it too. You just want a second opinion to see if you can get away with it. Most of the time I do not encourage it. However my response to this varies case by case (i.e. A jacket doesn’t zip comfortably but you rarely wear your leather jackets zipped up). When shopping alone though, rule of thumb is, No. Because an item that does not fit you well, will not make you feel good. And an item that doesn’t make you feel good, will probably never leave the back of your closet.


It all comes down to this. How it makes you feel. If it makes you stand up straighter and smile brighter then I’d say yes, you should invest in it. If it makes you hunch over or tug at the hem when you stand, then I’d say to let it go. Another thing, another time, that lights you up will come across your path that you’d be much happier spending your money on.

Surround yourself not just with people, but also things that bring the best out of you, not weigh you down and make you feel bad about yourself.

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