
Why You Should Dream SMALL instead of Big.

June 16, 2020

I recently learned the power that SMALL dreams carry and I am a new believer.

Why You Should Dream Small instead of Dream Big Grace Kim Portland

Hear me out.

I love when people have big dreams! When people have big dreams it means they have hope, and when people have hope then there is hope for this messy world!

However, I recently learned the power that SMALL dreams carry and I am a new believer. The thing with the Big Dream is that it is just so darn easy to not take your first step because there are SO many excuses not to. Excuses like, ‘I’m not financially stable enough, I need a little more experience, I need to get X, Y and Z in a row first,” etc.

But when you let your Small Dream take front and center, excuses are much harder to come by.

“There are lots of excuses that can keep you from pursuing your Big Dream of quitting your job and becoming a full time artist who can actually pay their bills and then some.

So, make it smaller.

Go smaller and smaller until you have no more excuses. Dream small about selling your very first art piece. Just One. What will it feel like?”

Beginner’s Pluck

That’s how powerful small dreams can be. Small dreams take you from being a dreamer to a doer. And slowly but surely, one small dream at a time, you will be making your way towards your bigger dream.

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