
You Only Need 15 Minutes to be Productive.

September 8, 2020

If you, like me, battle “the resistance” when trying to get stuff done then I cannot wait for you to try this out.

15 minute Productivity Hack

If you, like me, battle “the resistance” when trying to get stuff done then I cannot wait for you to try this out.

The resistance is that feeling that makes you not want to do the project or task. Even if you want to want to do it. It’s so powerful that it feels like another force.

This productivity hack is not just for work but can be applied to any area of life where you want to get something done. From cleaning out your kitchen drawer, to going through the pile of mail you haven’t opened, to starting a project that you’re dragging your feet on.​

I am naturally productive in the workplace and work on and/or ahead of schedule. But for some unknown reason, working from home is a whole other story. I don’t know what gets into me but I procrastinate, drag my feet, and it’s oftentimes an uphill battle just to get myself going.

That is, until a few weeks ago..!

I recently learned the “15 minute win” by Shira Gill and I have been a lean, mean, conquering work machine at home! It’s the simplist concept but so incredibly effective.

This is how it works:

  1. Pick ONE task.
  2. Set a timer for 15 minutes
  3. Allow yourself to feel the resistance
  4. Do the thang.

What makes it so effective is that it makes you START. Because committing to something for 15 minutes is easy. You can do anything for 15 minutes! So it removes the biggest hurdle that so easily trips us up. You tell yourself that you’ll work on it for 15 minutes and when you’re done at least you worked on it for 15 minutes. Easy right?

Then the magic happens in those 15 minutes.

What you’ll discover is that the starting wasn’t just the biggest hurdle, but the only hurdle. Once you get yourself to start you’ll see that oftentimes when that timer goes off, you won’t want to stop because you’re in such a groove. Or that you finished your task in 15 minutes!

I love what she says about allowing yourself to feel the resistance. Instead of fighting it to try to make it go away, instead you let yourself feel it. The point of this is because the moment you feel the resistance is the point where you usually give up, distract yourself with any other thing, and procrastinate.

​”When you get comfortable with feeling resistance, but take action in spite of it, you will start developing integrity with yourself. You will start seeing yourself as someone who follows through no matter what. This is one of the most important life skills you can learn and practice. If you can allow yourself to feel discomfort and still take action, you will be able to tackle any goal. “

Shira Gill

I mean, wow, right? And I cannot agree with her more on that last statement.

I was so stoked to finally find something that worked for me, I had to pass this along to you in case this is something you battle with as well. I’m hoping that you find it useful in some area of your life and that it might bring a little breakthrough for you too.

Be sure to pin one of the images below if you want to reference this post in the future.

Wishing you many 15 minute wins this week!

15 minute productivity hack Blog post by Grace Kim Portland

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