Like the black belt that I am*, I want to flying side kick some myths out of the air.
But first, let me tell you what happened a few minutes ago because the writings in this post may be goofier than normal and you deserve to know why.
Short story short, for about 2 hours I passionately poured my heart into this post and I, the compulsive, don’t-trust-auto-saving saver that I am, did not save it.
Literally me a few minutes ago.
If you hear this kind of howl vibrating through your apartment complex walls I would bet 1 of 2 things: Either the source of the howl didn’t save something they poured a lot of time into, or they accidentally sent their message to the wrong person.
Yikes. Since I’ve been the other source of The Howl as well, I’m already feeling better about my mishap.
Now about those myths.
The world is set up so that we don’t make an impact.
We walk around with so many lies in our head and heart, whether they are indirect lies we grew up with as a child, direct lies from people who are in our lives, or lies from the thousands of daily marketing messages we are bombarded with telling us what and how we should think and want. It’s no wonder so many of us are walking around feeling completely lost in our identities and purpose.
And it’s not the lack of capabilities but these lies that unconsciously/subconsciously/consciously dwell in us day in and day out that keep us from building the life of joy and impact that we desire. Because let me tell ya friend, we human beings are capable of incredible things when we believe and put our minds to it.
Myth #1 You are alone
Somehow we are living in an age where we are more connected than ever with the internet yet we are also statistically lonelier than ever. Despite what you see in your social feeds, the majority of us are struggling with similar fears of inadequacy, loneliness, etc. Things most of us are not excited to publicly share about on a daily basis or even at all.
In times when these doubts, fears, and insecurities arise, reaching out to someone and being open about it is a surefire way to squash the downward spiral that feeling alone will send you. But as I write this, I have to be the first to admit that this is a work in progress for myself even.
Myth #2 You are unique
Okay actually this is not a myth. Yes, you are a snowflake. But you are not uniquely a snowflake. Because I mean… it’s snowing a heck of a lot of snowflakes. 7.5 billion-ish snowflakes around the world.
My point being that being unique is not what defines you and sets you apart. PHEW! Let that sink in because the truth of that is really freeing. Clinging to the sole identity of specialness is the very thing that keeps us living in fear, under the pressure that we are not good enough.
What IS important to grasp about this though, is that we each have our own purpose in life and unique way of going about it because we are not the same.
Myth #3 You are not good enough.
Truth, Truth, Truth –> You are more than good enough, because you are exactly enough to be who you are and do what you were created to do in this life.
I truly believe these are truths about you and I hope this empowers you today in whatever area of your life you may be feeling alone or inadequate in. Because you are not alone. And you are exactly enough.

*technically I am still a black belt because I can’t lose that status. But [literally] technically, if I were put to the test I’d probably be back at square one as a white belt since it’s been 15+ years.
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