While a lot has happened over the course of a couple of weeks, it’s not the end. We still have a long way to go for lasting changes to this political, social, and personal issue.
I want to encourage each of us to continue to have one-on-one conversations with those in our close circle—friends, family, coworkers. And when stepping into these conversations, recognizing that each person is at a different step in their journey towards healing, learning, unlearning and understanding, and that we must meet them with grace where they’re at, encouraging one another. Because it is only when each of us individually, and then as a whole, are united in understanding can we make the most progress towards the lasting change we are fighting for.
And I truly believe Love is key to that change. Real, action-speaks-louder-than-words, love.
Love towards our black brothers and sisters, love towards those who are unable to help themselves, love towards those who are powerless because of systems in place, and love towards those who are trying to make change within their hearts.
As a human, a follower of Jesus, and a start-up small business, I want to always be learning, growing and listening and finding ways to help facilitate change while I continue with daily life. This is only the beginning and I am committed to doing better.
Here are a few resources to learn more and ways you can support and donate to black lives and communities of color:
A campus-based grassroots mentoring movement in Portland, Oregon. First-generation college students and committed professionals who believe in the power of Black and Brown youth. “We’re here with them, representing and learning alongside them because we believe the time for Black and Brown leaders is now. Holla if you hear us.”
Works to empower people and culture toward racial healing, equity, and reconciliation. They inspire people to have a distinctive and transformative response to racial division and be present and intentional toward racial reconciliation. There are many good resources within this resource that I would recommend exploring.
Challenges excessive punishment in court, advocates for parole, provides re-entry support, and advances systemic reform through research, education, and narrative work.
115 more ways you can donate in support of black lives and communities of color.
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