My creative friend, your secret weapon doesn’t lie in how talented you are.
There is a sea of creative talent out there and the truth is, someone can always do your job a little cheaper, faster, or better than you can.
Relying on your talent alone isn’t enough to get you the job/raise/promotion/work-life balance that you’ve dreamed of.
You’ve got to be in a league of your own.
You’ve got to stand out. How?
- Figure out your strengths and then magnify them by doing/using more of them. I’m not talking about your creative talent, I’m talking about the strengths in your genius zone. The ones that come so naturally to you, you don’t realize they are the ones that have always gotten you where you want to go (read more on this).
- Create tangible goals for yourself at work and work towards them: These are not going to be lofty and inspirational, but ones that are intentional with a for-seeable date, and backed with strategy. Make mini-goals within your goal and celebrate each time you accomplish them so you keep your momentum going.
- Inspire and lead people around you. Hear me when I say, you do NOT have to wait until you are at some kind of management level. You can and should being do this regardless of what position you hold at work. There is a difference between managers and leaders: Leaders stand out because others look to them and follow despite their position.
- Get things done by being more decisive. This takes practice but the ones who stand out at work are undoubtedly the ones who get things done. Don’t let fear of making a “wrong” decision hold you back from making any decision at all.
All of these are not necessarily talents but skills.
Friend, this is good news. Because skills are something that can be learned and sharpened over time.
As a starting place, take this free quiz to find out what sets you apart at work right now, and learn how to use your unique advantage to achieve more income, growth, and freedom in your creative career.
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