Dear Designer,
If you’re on the fence of taking the next step to do something bold, new, and different for your career, then as your hype girl, career advocate, and friend, I’m here to encourage and inspire you with 5 reasons to go for it.
Because, what’s the alternative to doing it?
So if you need a friendly nudge, here are 5 reasons to go for it:
- You’re not here to just pay bills then die. That’s not why you’re on this earth and you know this to be true because you feel it.
- So you can be a participant in your life, not a consumer. Not to be “yolo” or anything but… yolo. You spend more than half your waking life working, so if possible, why not make that time fulfilling?
- The world will be better for it. Yes. I believe that the world would be a much better place if each individual could come alive in their unique gifts. When you come alive in your gift to design not only do you flourish, but so do those and the world around you.
- The alternative to trying something new, is to do nothing. And have your tomorrow look exactly the same as today. And if you’re like me, that is not going to satisfy. And it probably hasn’t.
- Because you deserve it, {{ subscriber.first_name }}, . You deserve to flourish and do work that is fulfilling, impactful and compensates you fairly.
I love how Elizabeth Gilbert handles the fear that stops her from doing something new. She writes herself a permission slip.
So I decided to borrow hers for you:
Dear [Your name goes here],
I am the principal, and this is your permission slip.
You have permission to _____________________________________.
Sign here:
Make copies of it. Take it with you everywhere.
Your principal of the day,
PS- If this permission slip inclines you to make moves, YES FRIEND– I’m stoked! Comment below so I can celebrate with you! If you need a sounding board to figure out what you should do next, call me!

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